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4 Tips to Safely Care for Your Grain Bin

November 20, 2023

Do you own or help manage a farm? If so, you may understand the importance of grain bin design to help store and preserve your harvest. However, these grain bins can be dangerous when people don't understand how to handle them. According to Nationwide, an estimated 29 grain entrapments resulted in 11 deaths in 2021. Here are some tips for safely managing the care of these storage facilities.

1. Inspection

Bins need regular inspections. By scheduling annual inspections, a professional can look for signs of leaks, corrosion, damage, or pest infestation. To avoid having your harvest contaminated or having the bin further deteriorate, make sure you have any issues found and repaired as soon as possible.

2. Ventilation

Good grain bin design should include proper ventilation. To prevent condensation or oxygen depletion, air should be able to flow throughout the unit and help preserve your harvest. You can incorporate vents and fans. You could also add an aeration system that circulates fresh air throughout the system.

3. Temperature Monitors

It's imperative to keep moisture levels low in your grain bin. Our experts agree that the best way to do so is by monitoring the temperature. Your temperature monitoring system can include a moisture meter and a thermometer. That way, you can track how the moisture levels change with temperature. Typically, lower temperatures equate to less moisture. When you properly handle the moisture, you'll be able to prevent insects, spoiling, or mold from ruining your harvest.

4. Proper Gear

Additionally, protect yourself by having the right attire when you enter the grain bin. Anyone who enters this space should wear gloves, goggles, respirators, and boots to protect themselves from the elements inside. This protective equipment will keep you free from dust, mold, insects, or chemicals. In addition to having the right protective gear, always have someone with you or notify someone that you're entering the bin. That way, if an accident happens, they can act immediately to get help.

As you can see, there is a reason why
grain bin design and management matters. Having the proper setup and knowing the right safety techniques can keep you and anyone else handling your harvest safe. In addition to keeping yourself safe, you can ensure you don't lose money by spoiling your harvest. To find out more about grain bin design and repair services, look no further than Midwest Grain Bins LLC. We've served the community since 1988. Contact us to schedule your consultation today.

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